Pride Bath
By Max Turk
“I am propelled by my sense of identity as a queer, Jewish witch.”
I spend most of my days making products and magic to support self care. Regardless of whose hands these products end up in, I am propelled by my sense of identity as a queer, Jewish witch. I live my life knowing that the political is personal, and in this age of constant news/information inundating our minds and our screens, taking time to care for the self and the community is critical.
This month (and always!) we celebrate and commemorate. We honor all of our elders who were brave enough to stand up to oppression and paved the way before us. We acknowledge how far we’ve come, and how much more we’ve got to do for us ALL to live lives of equity. I’ve always liked rainbows and what they represent- the spectrum of identities and ways we can love. We all carry that inside us, and no amount of rainbow merchandise can match that depth of being.
“Crown Pride” by Max Turk
Self care tips for you this month and always:
Celebrate yourself. Look in the mirror give yourself a compliment.
Celebrate another. Be vocal about what you love about your peers. Hold hands. Kiss them in the streets.
Celebrate your space. Tidy up, enjoy flowers on your bedside table, sit in silence each morning and connect to the ground that holds you each day.
Celebrate your psyche. Take time off from screens. Do something fun and creative. Reflect. Consider how far you’ve come, think good thoughts, consider all that you are grateful for. Write what your sorting out about your current state of being in a diary.
Celebrate your body. Drink water, drink nice herbal tea. Eat something you’ve been craving. Eat something you know your body would benefit from. Take a bath, or bathe your feet. Rest when you need to. Hug yourself.
Celebrate your magic. Write intentions under the new moon, call upon your ancestors and the elements to guide us and protect us as we continue The Work. Cast a circle of protection and love for yourself and your community.
Celebrate your community. Lift each-other up. Listen. Push your comfort zones. Donate dollars or volunteer your time to a worthy cause. Accept help from others.
Max Turk found tremendous inspiration in the vast healing capabilities of plants that she encountered through her own travels and life experiences. After becoming a certified herbalist, she started a line of amulet necklaces, quickly followed by herbal remedies such as tincture-based cocktail bitters, salves, and other skin-care products. Her apothecary, Roots & Crowns, uses all locally/ethically sourced ingredients (i.e.: Bee Local Honey, Beeswax, & Propolis; Alchemical Solutions Organic Alcohol). Max is also committed to harvesting many herbs and flowers herself, grateful for what the Pacific Northwest landscape has to offer. Though Roots & Crowns began as a hobby while earning her Masters in Leadership for Sustainability Education at PSU, Max is managing the rapid growth of Roots & Crowns by integrating her academic studies with her intuitive craft. From the positive feedback she has received from customers worldwide, she's inspired to keep creating products that share the holistic aspects of plant healing and flower magic with others, making them accessible, and empowering anyone to try them. Her intention, simply put, is "plant power to the people."